Zach Ryder of Molly on the Yacht discusses his upcoming single, musical inspirations, goals, and many other topics. See the full interview with midwest coast below.

Your new single comes out this week, what do you want people to know about it?
"This is Love" is a psychedelic hip/hop track about the foundation of an intimate relationship. The melody changes in the track represent the ups & downs of being in love. While the chorus gives off the impression that everything will be alright. It's a very personal track to me. Sounds awesome, I can't wait to hear it. What else do you have going on right now? Any other upcoming singles, albums, other projects?
I'm currently working on an album at the moment. It consists of 12 tracks & I am hoping to release within the next few months. There may also be another single or 2 leading up to its release. But I haven't decided yet. I have to ask. Where does the name Molly on the Yacht come from?
So the story behind the name is pretty funny actually. My girlfriend & I were on vacation in Florida & we drove by a marina that had quite a few yachts. Not sure exactly what made her say it but she said the phrase "Molly on the Yacht". I thought it was really catchy so I decided to use it for the band name. I wish I could say that there's some deep meaning behind it but there's not. Your songs seem to cover a wide range of topics. Where do you find inspiration for your music?
I would say that the inspiration for my music comes from everyday emotions honestly. I don't really focus on writing about a certain topic or issue, I just write about whatever I'm feeling at that moment. You also have a unique aesthetic with your cover artwork. I know you've been working with Harrison Gwin on a lot of these. Can you tell me a little about your guys' relationship and how this collab came to be?
Harrison & I have been lifelong friends. I've known how talented he is since we were 9 years old, so working with him was really inevitable. He makes great art & I love how creatively unique he is. We really have a similar vision for art.
I agree. I love his style and have known him as long as I've known you. That being said, I've been following your music for a while now, and I can definitely hear your sound evolving. How do you feel your style has adapted over the years?
My style has certainly come a long way over the past few years that I've been making music. I think the most notable thing for me is the maturity that I write with. I feel that it has really evolved. Psychedelic pop has greatly influenced me over the past couple years as well. It's been the biggest factor in my sound development. I still have a long way to go though. Who are some of your favorite artists? Maybe someone or group that influences you? Anyone that you think you'd share fans with if they heard what you were up to?
Some of my favorite artists I'd have to say are Pond, Dope Lemon, Das Kope, Tame Impala, Lil Peep, Mac Miller, M83, Foster the People & twenty one pilots, to name a few. Nirvana, The Doors & Without Winter have had quite a big influence on me as well.
Thank you, man. It means a lot to me that you'd mention Without Winter that group. It's always been my goal to inspire other people to have fun and create and do what they love. So that's awesome man – thank you. And speaking of goals – right now, what are your goals musically over the next few years?
My goal over the next few years is to do as much as I can to get Molly on the Yacht's name out there. That would include playing shows & making more connections socially.
I've been following your instagram @mollyontheyacht (check it out, folks) and have noticed some clips of you practicing with synths and some other people. Are there plans for any live performances coming up?
There are definitely plans for live shows in the near future. The focus currently is to get some more gear that we need to perform. So once that happens it'll be a huge priority.
Well I can't wait to see you performing in front of a crowd soon, my dude. And to wrap things up, what else do you want people to know? About your music, your life, you in general?
So I currently make the tracks myself for Molly on the Yacht but I have a drummer named Cody Mickna who's been a part of this band from the beginning. So for live shows we will be a 2 piece band. I strongly encourage anyone to follow him on Instagram. His name is @micknoodles. After this first album which is primarily hip hop, I will be incorporating much more of a live band feeling in the recordings. So stay tuned, thanks.
You can find all of Molly on the Yacht's music on all streaming platforms, and the new single "This is Love" will be available on February 24, 2022. Follow Molly on the Yacht on Instagram @mollyontheyacht and @mwcrecords to keep up with all other midwest coast releases. Also, check out @mwcoast for more interviews, articles, and other fun stuff.
Interview by Taylor DeBos